Toca Life is an exciting game series that allows players to create their own unique stories and adventures in various vibrant and imaginative worlds. Whether you're exploring the bustling Toca Life: City, the serene Toca Life: Farm, or the thrilling Toca...
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Applebee’s Happy Hour is a popular time for customers to enjoy discounted drinks after a long day or a night out with friends. Still, many customers are unaware of the discounted deals and specific hours of Applebee’s Happy Hour. Click He...
Due to COVID, our whole office is now remote. Some people connect through a remote desktop to a machine within the network that the Oracle server is on. They connect and work without issue.
Other folks connect directly to the database sever through a...
This seems more like a question for a product such as Toad for Oracle?
The sqlnet.expire_time setting lets you to specify a the time interval, in minutes, to send a probe to verify that client/server connections are active. There's also the tcp session...
Cracker Night fireworks in Tasmania represent a celebration that weaves together threads of history, community spirit, and cultural significance. Its enduring appeal lies not only in the dazzling displays of light and sound but also in the deeper meanings...
Is there a report or other mode to discover whether a database (on a multi database server) has been accessed by a user or not in a specified period of time (like 3 months)? We have enterprise servers that contain 40-50 databases and sometimes the business...
Assumption that this is for SQL Server. We have a user-defined collection in our lab that checks the last access for each database. It's not by specific login, just that anyone has accessed it.
Converting OST (Offline Storage Table) files to PST (Personal Storage Table) files can be accomplished using various methods. Here's a general guide on how to convert OST to PST files:
Converting OST to PST files can be simple if you have the right tool. TrustVare OST to PST Converter software is the solution for this process. This tool helps you convert your OST files to PST without losing data. It can be used on major Windows versions...
Happy International Women's Day to all the incredible women making a difference globally! Let's continue to take action and work together towards a more gender-balanced world.
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